Throughout 2022, peering traffic within the Omaha IX grew exponentially, mirroring the uptick in internet traffic and usage seen across the industry.
On a fundamental level, it’s no surprise that internet usage continues to grow, since 63% of the global population is online with more people and devices connecting to the internet everyday (127 new devices are connecting each second). As we look closer, we begin to see how internet usage behaviors continue to lean more heavily toward streaming with 85% of U.S. households having at least one video streaming service and 60% having at least one music streaming service. Additionally, the global cloud gaming market is experiencing significant growth as well.
We’re seeing those impacts in a very direct way right here in Omaha. In January of 2022, the Omaha IX averaged 180G in traffic, and in November of 2022 the traffic hit 900G, coinciding with the launch of a new video game popular with cloud gamers. During this and other high-traffic times, it’s common for participants in the IX to max out their ports — a phenomenon that clearly showcases how peering, as a direct interconnection option, is cementing its role as a key enabler of agile, fast networking. After all, a quick look at the annual aggregate traffic shows a steady increasing trend line and an increase in frequency and significance of traffic spikes.
With the explosive growth in streaming of all kinds comes the demand for high-quality streaming experiences that require ultra-low latency and dependable high speeds. No one wants their streaming shows to lag or freeze, and latency can be virtual life or death in cloud gaming. That’s the beauty of peering with Omaha IX: It puts ISPs and CDNs in direct contact with other participants for instant access to premier partners and is located at the ideal nexus point for U.S. fiber routes heading north/south and east/west.
By achieving these critical connections with the fewest hops, anyone can provide ultra-low latency and ultra-high satisfaction for end-users, keeping them connected and even saving their virtual lives without them even knowing. With this kind of traffic trend ongoing and these kinds of benefits at hand, peering continues to be an easy no-brainer for all sorts of use cases in the global digital landscape.
Learn more about peering by downloading the eBook Preparing for Peering or contact us to get started peering at the Omaha IX.