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Frequently Asked Questions

Cisco BGP Routers2021-07-28T15:14:28+00:00

We have run into multiple scenarios with Cisco devices that require the command no bgp enforce-first-as added to the configuration in order to turn up peering to the route servers

Spanning Tree (STP)2021-07-28T15:14:28+00:00

The device(s) connected to the exchange are not allowed to be visible as layer-2 bridges – therefore absolutely no spanning tree or other layer-2 specific protocol

Routing Protocols2021-07-28T15:14:28+00:00

The only allowed routing protocol on the exchange is BGP (Border Gateway Protocol). There is no reason to attempt to use any other protocols over the exchange as none will be allowed

Cisco Keepalives2021-10-14T18:58:17+00:00

By default Cisco routers and switches periodically test their (Fast) Ethernet links by sending out Loopback frames (ethertype 0x9000) addressed to themselves. Call it a “L2 self-ping” if you will. In a switched environment it can be used to test the functionality of the switch and/or keep the router’s MAC address in the switch’s address table.

In the exchange environment, this is not useful since we use MAC timeouts that are larger than the typical BGP and/or ARP timeouts. In fact, the keepalives may actually cause port security violations if they are being sent by an intermediate switch.

IGMP, DHCP, TFTP (Non-unicast protocols)2021-07-28T15:14:28+00:00

The only non-unicast protocol we allow is ARP. Please make sure you have disabled all other mulicast protocols.
We do limit broadcast and multicast traffic accross the IX to 100M.

Proxy ARP2021-10-14T19:02:18+00:00

Since traffic over Omaha IX is exchanged based on BGP routes, there is no reason to answer ARP queries for any other IP address(es) than those that are configured on your exchange interface.
Unfortunately, some vendors (e.g. Cisco) ship their products with proxy ARP enabled by default.
Proxy ARP is not only sloppy, it can lead to unwanted traffic on your network. Consider that if you have it enabled at the AMS-IX, it’ll likely be enabled at other peering points, allowing parties on both sides to use you as a transit.
Proxy ARP is not allowed.

MAC address limits2021-07-28T15:14:28+00:00

We only allow a maximum of 3 mac-addresses per port on the off chance you are connecting via a layer-2 device. Ideally we will only see one.

OpenIX Certification2021-07-28T15:10:28+00:00

We plan to purse the OmenIX certification when the certification window is open for Omaha. Below is
the current status of our progress:

OpenIX Requirement Omaha IX Compliance
Public Exchange Vlan Compliant
Private VLAN Compliant
Port Speeds: 1G/10G/40G/100G Compliant
ethertype 0×0800 Compliant
ethertype 0x86dd Compliant
ipv4 multicast filtering Compliant
ipv6 multicast filtering Compliant
Open Connection Policy Compliant
Public website containing connection types Compliant
Demarc Compliant, Demarcation at Omaha IX switch port
Switch Back plane Capacity Compliant, switching fabrics are line rate
Interswitch links Compliant
Redundant Power Compliant, dual fed power for all devices
Switch Back plane Capacity Compliant, switching fabrics are line rate
RIR Address Space Compliant
Switch Back plane Capacity Compliant, switching fabrics are line rate
Route Server IPv4/IPv6 support Compliant, using BIRD
Route Server config posted on web Compliant
NOC 24×7 Compliant
NOC Member Access Procedure Compliant, members have 24×7 email and phone noc access
Monitoring 24×7 Compliant
Outage Notification Compliant
Public Member List Compliant, List to be updated as members join
Total sum of Incoming/Outgoing traffic Compliant
Website Compliant
Peering Contact Compliant, PeeringDB
Equipment at the exchange2021-07-28T15:10:28+00:00

At the core of the exchange are two Arista 7550 switches that provides amble throughput using 1G/10G/40G/100G connections. Our backplane can support up to 400Gbps of traffic. The other key piece of equipment are the route servers. Our route servers are running BIRD – an internet routing daemon which has become the standard for internet exchanges.

Brief History2021-07-28T15:10:28+00:00

The Omaha IX exchange point was started in January of 2014 at the Nebraska Colocation Center in Omaha, NE. This was a great location due to the connectivity that was already there and the dark fiber expansion by Neutral Path Communications. Modeled off what we learned with the Midwest Internet Cooperative Exchange – we knew there would be a great value for participents in the Omaha area.

What speed of connections are available2021-07-28T15:10:28+00:00

The speed is limited only to your connection. We currently offer 1G, 10G, 40G and 100G – in which multiple ports may be bonded together. We don’t charge you for the amount of traffic – just for your connection.

Do I need on-site equipment2021-07-28T15:10:28+00:00

There are a few options here in how you connect to the actual exchange – we can help you with any of the options to get you connected:

  1. Use ethernet transport through a 3rd party who is already in NCC.
  2. Use long range optics (depending of course how far away from NCC you are located).
  3. Rent space from the exchange.
  4. Rent space directly from NCC.
What do I need for equipment2021-07-28T15:10:28+00:00

The BEST way to connect to the exchange is directly through a layer-3 device (router). It is the best chance of not leaking MAC addresses or STP traffic – as well as increases the stability of network. It is possible to connect via a layer-2 device (switch), however we strongly discourange it. If you must, there are a few guidelines in our configuration section you’ll have to meet to make sure not to disrupt your other peers

Do I need my own IP allocations2021-07-28T15:10:28+00:00

We do not require that you have your own ARIN assigned address allocation, but it certainly helps. If you do not though, we only require a Letter of Authority (LoA) from your ISP permitting you to advertise their IPv4 and/or IPv6 prefixes. You must have your own unique ASN though.

How do I connect2021-07-28T15:10:28+00:00

We want everyone that is capable of connecting to the exchange to connect – however, you’ll need a few things:

  1. You need to be in or have the ability to connect to 1623 Farnam St in Omaha (NCC).
  2. You’ll need your own Autonomous System Number (ASN).

Once connected you’ll have full control over their routing policies at the exchange and may peer with as many or as few other peers as desired – that said we do suggest the use of our route-servers.

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